agroforestry and ancient forest protection

Ηλεκτρονική ημερίδα με τη συνδιοργάνωση του Πράσινου Ινστιτούτου τη ΔΕΥΤΈΡΑ 17/5/2021 6-8 Μ.Μ. Δωρεάν, στα αγγλικά με διερμηνεία στα γερμανικά.

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Would you like for your children to still be able to see Europe’s ancient living landscapes? It is essential to protect and make use of these old yet sustainable land uses throughout Europe. For example, with the support of high-quality agricultural products such as the unique mountain honey; or exciting alternative ways of small-scale agritourism that also protect our biodiversity. Join us as we explore the questions around agroforestry and ancient forest protection.
Confirmed speakers:
– Anastasia Pantera
– Matthias Schickhofer
– Martin Häusling
– Michael Vrahnakis
– Rigas Tsiakiris

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